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Apply to the Residency


We welcome writers, poets, scholars, environmentalists, photographers, and others engaged in creative projects or inquiries. In particular, we're interested in work that draws on the powers of introspection, storytelling, observation, and/or research; affirms community; reshapes thinking; and/or maybe even delights. Our hope is to contribute to the region Shannaghe inhabits and the world we all live in.  (In the visual arts, we can accommodate photography, and we're working on welcoming other forms.  If you have a question, contact us.) You must be 18.  We welcome BPOC and LGBTQ+ voices, emerging and established artists, environmentalists, researchers, and practitioners.



January 15, 2026  for residencies in April-November 2026.



Length of stay

We offer 2-week and 4-week residencies. 


What will you need to apply? 

You'll need to provide a 300-word description of what you'll be working on and how this residency can help you out; a short-short bio;  2 references; a sample of your work; the usual contact data; and the application fee of $25 through Venmo or by check (make it out to Shannaghe, send to our on-the-ground address); your preferences on timing.




  • Complete the Application For Residency using the form below.  

  • Provide samples of your work as part of the application.

  • Pay the $25 nonrefundable application fee. We accept payments through this site (scroll WAY down). You can also send a check made out to Shannaghe, at 121 City Point Road, Belfast, ME 04915.

  • What kind of samples do we need? For writing:  3-5 pages of poetry, 10 pages of prose (12-point font minimum, double-spaced), or 10 pages of your hybrid form provided in Word or PDF.  For photography: 5-10 images in PDF, and a link to your portfolio. For audio works: digital audio files or a link. Name any attached files LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL_ and then its GENRE (such as Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Hybrid): we'll anonymize it from there. Please do not identify your work by where it has been published. Also-- refrain from long explanations of the work on the work itself; send something that astute readers can make sense of without an extensive preamble. A descriptor is fine (e.g. "excerpt from a novel in progress" or "second in a series of investigative pieces.") Please do make sure to number your pages!  For academic works:  a current resume with links to relevant work or articles. No need to try to anonymize. 


We look forward to seeing your work.​

Application Fee


$25 nonrefundable

Thanks for your application!


121 City Point Road
Belfast, ME 04915


How do you say it? Shan' ah  gkee. This is the tradition of bearing witness, keeping records, and storytelling, of wisdom and perception. Since we're in what was once New Ireland, we've chosen this Irish word. 

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